14 April 2011

So what's new?

Arthur participated in the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens - Mini Rugby, (with grateful thanks to Ms. Roberts for the ticketing assistance!!!!)  Lucky bugger turned up on the Friday after me telling the club he was not going, got smuggled onto the team and then was the only one who got his mugshot in the paper.
Arthur 2nd from right
Matthew is continung to be, well just Matthew and for a five year old is remarkably adept at gussing all his Dad's log in passwords to the computer.

Nuch is up to her old tricks stuffing sausages and grawing vegetables.   Not only are they thriving in the vegetable patch next to home they are also now appearing in buckets and paddling pools on the flat roof top too.

And me, just plodding on.   Could be worse it could be raining (I will regret writing that soon I am sure!)

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