20 October 2009

Photo Update, Man Kok Tsui

Whats a normal day for us?

0830 Take kids to school by bicycle
0845 Collect two door frames from wood shop
0900 Collect 21 bags of cement from builders yard -about 1100 kgs in all
0915 Load all onto a very wobbly sampan then set off in very windy and rough seas
0930 Clear up dog sick from sampan (dog sea sick)
0931 Arrive at pier and unload all the stuff at the pier and cart across the beach to the house
1100 Collect 3 times the amount of cement in beach sand and cart to house by bucket loads
1400 Walk back to Mui Wo and collect bicycles
1500 Collect kids from school
1600 Start work in office answering UK emails
Is it worth it? We reckon it is. It's still a work in progress and it's not everyone's cup of tea. We are well aware of that fact but we really enjoy the place and its as unlike Hong Kong as you care to imagine. No cars, no buses, no noise, no people, no shops, no cinemas, no hassle.
Water is free, vegetables and fruit are grown free, (so far lemon grass, ginger, limes, papaya, aubergine, chilli, Thai basil, etc.)
We have a phone line, we have electricity, we have govt water if we connect to it, we have sewage, the bins are emptied weekly and the beach is cleaned weekly etc. etc.
During the week you can expect to have two or three hikers walk past the house (most of whom are lost) and of a weekend you may get a couple more on mountain bikes.
Post is left in Mui Wo, at one of many letter boxes nailed to a tree at the start of the footpath across the headland.
These photos are not in the best order but you can start to see the house taking shape at last.

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