Another sunny weekend. Saturday I was out biking and came back after just shy of 90 kilometres with a very odd sun tan. Sunday and Monday were spent digging and fettling about in the garden, interspersed with food and drink. At the end of Monday my sun tan had expanded and turned me a deeper shade of red!
Planted or moved this weekend:
- Kafir lime trees
- Okra
- Winter melon
- Chili (if that is how you spell it)
- Lemon grass
- Rosemary
Dug up this weekend
- About a hay bale's worth of weeds
- Majority of the chili plants Nuch had planted last week - HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THEY WERE NOT WEEDS!
Built this weekend
- One very dodgy lean too shed to store all the garden tools in. If it survives the summer I will be impressed
- A footpath sign pointing the way to Discovery Bay
- A footpath sign pointing the way to Man Kok Tsui
Hopefully now we will see fewer hikers who were hoping to walk to Discovery Bay and more hikers who actually wanted to come here.
Consumed this weekend
- Laarb Moo (Thai pork)
- Sticky rice
- Lettuce
- Mint
- Chicken
- Lasagne
- Sausages
- Eggy bread
- Carlseberg
Bust this weekend
Oh and the telephone company came out to fix the telephone cable I repaired last weekend. Pictures to follow of that classy repair. Think trip wire or garotte and you are not far wrong.